We assist companies

with their
carbon emission’s

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Electricity Emission Calculator

Calculate how much carbon emission your company generates for free!

How do I know our amount of electricity (kWH)/year?


16 companies have joined us in the last 24 hours

Our Mission

We are optimistic that we can achieve National’s Net Zero
Emission target by 2060.

We are optimistic that we can achieve National’s Net Zero Emission target by 2060.

We aspire to become the reference company that raises the awareness and willingness of individuals, companies, and organizations to protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Our Main Services

Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG Inventory)

We help you accurately and quickly carry out an inventory of your company's Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission. We understand your needs, whether the inventory are requests from buyers or clients or investors or from the government, or the need to formulate a company decarbonization strategy. With GHG Verificator expertise and experience in preparing GHG Inventories based on ISO 14064 part 1, we are confident that we can meet your needs.

Road to Net Zero Emission (NZE)

A company's reputation is very important and the company's Net Zero Emission Roadmap improves reputation and also increases profits and on the other hand helps the government's target of achieving NZE by 2060. The most important is preventing an increase in earth temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius. We will help calculate the company's GHG, develop an emission reduction strategy and assist with its implementation, build communication with suppliers, increase awareness and conduct training for the company team, achieve targets based on SBTi principles and frameworks or others.

Capacity Building

We realize that decarbonization activities and efforts to achieve Net Zero Emissions (NZE) require cooperation from all parties. The earliest effort was a Greenhouse Gas inventory, but the problem was that many users did not understand how to determine the right method and carry out calculations. We work intensively with the company team to ensure fast and effective knowledge transfer to help the transition to NZE

About Carbon Emissions

Carbon Emissions are one of the greenhouse gas emissions that contributes to climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions or commonly called GHGs are gases in the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation thus determine atmospheric temperature. GHGs occur due to human activities, especially industrial activities which are increasing every year, resulting in the increase of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

The gases that are classified as greenhouse gases include:

- Carbon dioxide CO2

- Methane (CH4)

- Nitrogen oxide (N2O)

- Sulfurhexaflouride (SF5)

- Perflourocarbons (PCFs)

- Ozone depleting substances

Why subscribe to our premium plan?

List of services that can be used by subscribing to our premium account



  • Calculate the organization’s carbon emission (Scope 1, Scope 2): Mobile Combustion
  • Calculate the organization's carbon emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2): Stationary Combustion
  • Calculate the organization's carbon emission (Scope 1, Scope 2): Fugitive Combustion
  • Calculate the organization's carbon emission (Scope 1, Scope 2): Electricity Consumption Tier 2

To get these services, we can help you by joining
or contacting our consultant.

Join Premium Plan 62 815-1578-8893 (Medy)

Future sustainability for government, industry and society.

Testimonials from our clients

"We were looking for an affordable NZE company and Actia gave us more than we expected. They managed to do our impact report easily and neatly."

Sustainability Manager



Latest Information

We update you on news and regulations regarding carbon emissions.